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Research & Development

Research & Development


Genetics and technological innovation

Since 2022 Acqua Azzurra has been taking part in the project of the Sicilian Region ‘Selectaqua Genetics and Technological Innovation in the Sector of Fry Production for Sicilian Mariculture’ (SIPA 01/COA/21- CUP G95F21001390006), financed by the Department of Mediterranean Fisheries of the Sicilian Region to the Sicilian Fry Producers (measure 2.49 of the FEAMP 2014/2020 OP). With this project, the company launched a multi-year genetic selection programme for seabream and seabass, through the construction of a selection plant, consisting of two modules of 50 500l tanks in RAS, the transfer of technology and the acquisition of know-how. To ensure the optimal use of resources and the timely achievement of the project objectives, Acqua Azzurra was able to count on the collaboration of the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki in Greece, for the genotyping of the broodstock and the definition of the crossbreed, and of the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR), for the in vitro fertilisation techniques.


For the 2023/24 production campaign, about 100 families of seabream and seabass were established from selected crossbreeds. Once the fry produced reach the minimum size of 8/10g, they are marked with an electronic pit-tag and sent to the rearing and selection process that will lead to the constitution of the first batch of broodstock. 

Within a few years, Acqua Azzurra's entire commercial offer will be based on more robust and high-performing seabream and seabass, with better growth time performance, better food conversion and greater resistance to disease.

Improved growth time performance
Better food conversion
Increased resistance to disease



Acqua Azzurra has collaborated with the Institute of Marine Biology of the University Consortium of Trapani in the research project ‘Haliotis Sicilia’ (development and technology transfer to enterprises for the breeding of Haliotis Tuberculata), financed by the Department of Mediterranean Fisheries of the Sicilian Region (measure 2.49 of the OP FEAMP 2014/2020, EU Reg. no. 508/2014).


The results of the experimental activities confirmed that it is possible to breed Haliotis on a pre-industrial scale, confirming the economic and environmental sustainability of this type of farming. Biochemical and molecular analysis techniques confirm the remarkable adaptability to breeding conditions of the reared specimens. The Haliotis specimens produced, both fresh and subjected to ‘minimal processing’ procedures developed during the project, present organoleptic characteristics comparable with specimens collected in the wild. Preservation techniques such as vacuum skin packaging and modified atmosphere significantly prolong the shelf life of the products. Consumer tests carried out confirm that the haliotis specimens produced are accepted and appreciated even by experienced consumers.

On the basis of the experience gained and the results obtained, Acqua Azzurra is preparing to invest in the construction of a hatchery and industrial fattening plant.